Land Owners!

Maximize your Sales Price

John Beats and Exceeds Any Offer you Currently have on Your Land!

John's Best Selling Book explains the His Unique "Self-Funding Method" where the Deal Funds Itself...

How to flip vacant lots book



More information about

"How to Flip Vacant Lots"

How to Cash-in flipping Vacant Land... in a recession Proof niche!

Over the last 25 years John has created some of the most popular flip techniques in our generation like the Inverse Purchase later called Novation's, the Flex Option, and introduced the concept of Equitable Ownership idea into the real estate investor industry. You can lean more about these innovative techniques in his various books available on Amazon and in his Mastermind.

John Alexander real estate expert, authore
John Alexander TV infomercials

John's Real Estate Books are Available on Amazon

DIY Title Searches

How to Flip Discounted Notes

Flip Lease Options

Seller Financing for Real Estate Owners

Living Trusts

for RE Investors


Mind Programming



Coaching Clients

Millionaire Mindset

Insane Profits by Curing Land Title Problems


Day Planner

3-Day Highest-Bidder Sale for Real Estate Agents

How To Flip High-End Vacant Land

How to Flip Vacant Lots

The Ultimate Napkin Presentation

The Land Mogul's Playbook for Social Media Ads

Write Your Coaching


What People Are Saying:

We all need mentors. John has been a mentor of mine for over 20 years. The fountain of wisdom and information is priceless.

- Jonathan Rexford, FL

John is filled of wisdom. What he teaches works and has made lots of money for me and my team!

-Tim Mai TX

John Alexander, you and your books have changed my life for the better. I’m grateful to have stumbled upon your books during my Real Estate Investing journey, an investment I’ll never regret!

-Arianné Villanueva TX

David A. Amishay

John’s knowledge is incredibly powerful and effective in a multitude of ways that I use on a day to day basis to grow my business. John’s works have transformed my business from an avg sales guy to a 7 figure business. I am forever grateful to John Alexander. 🙏🏼

- David A. Amishay FL

Thank you John Alexander for always providing valuable and actionable knowledge! 

-Mike Novak, MN

John Alexander's approach to real estate and entrepreneurship is unmatched. His no fluff methods are great for new investors and seasoned investors as well.

-Cortney Reid MO

John Alexander has been foundational in my Real estate career. In this business you need information that isn’t out of date by the time you get it and John has been spot on with timely techniques that gets results!

John Wisdom over the years has proven to be pivotal in my growth as a real estate entrepreneur, and I don’t won’t to miss anything this man is saying!

Thanks Mr. J, you’ve changed my family’s life for the better, you’re truly Heaven sent!

-Lynwood, Leverette CO

THANK YOU John Alexander FOR BEING THE VERY BEST MENTOR & TEACHER (and human being) WE HAVE EVER MET/HAD.... this HUD closing statement says it all.

PS....If anyone is on the fence about John's training... get off the fence because this side of the fence feels better.

- Elisa Kauffman Slack FL

John and his books have been invaluable tools in my pursuit to obtain financial freedom in the real estate and land flipping business.

His Simple yet effective Strategies outlined in his books Are easy to learn and apply.

-Jason Mathew TX

About John Alexander

John Alexander has been flipping real estate for over 35-years as well as teaching individuals how to buy and sell property and notes since 1993.

He has authored 15 Books in the Note, Financing, and Real Estate Investment Industry category. He created and trademarked the "Inverse Purchase®" technique and the "Compound Deed®" technique and in 2020, trademarked “Land Mogul®” for use with his latest land flipping techniques.

Author of many real estate books and a multiple book bestseller on

Featured real estate trainer seen on TV nationwide from 2005-2010.

Over 100,000 people nationwide have purchased a John Alexander real estate course.

He has written and sold several note discounting and real estate solution software applications.

He developed advanced methods of note purchasing in the mid 1990's, which allowed brokers taught by him to change the US market in the purchase of notes and allowed the legal defense for Wholesale Flips using the concept of Equitable Ownership in 1999. Created the Inverse Purchase Method of flipping real estate which introduced the “Novation” method to the residential marketplace.

Some of the top real estate investors started their investing career with his various training or investment techniques.

He operated a nationwide mortgage origination company in the 2000’s. He has specialized in loans and financing programs for the credit challenged and is considered the Industry's Expert on Title Seasoning Free Flips. A Builder, Land Developer, flipping all types of real estate and commercial property.

He is a Certified Business Consult and Business Valuator.

A licensed Mortgage Broker in the State of Texas from 2001 until 2008.